Infrastructure Management

Scalable Cloud Infrastructure integrated in your IT environment

The cloud is a great place to keep your apps and app infrastructures. At Solebit we see the cloud infrastructure as a place to keep your entire IT infrastructure. We work with your existing environment, help to build your cloud or provide customized alternative solutions, optimizing the cost, scalability and control.

We offer cloud based development and application scaling, and manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications and find the best solution that suits your business needs. Our approach is to save the operation costs and increase IT productivity, delivering optimized platforms to meet your specific requirements.

Big Data Cloud Infrastructure

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Managed Private Cloud

  • Infrastructure as a Code model: Versionable, Testable, Repeatable
  • Built-in Cloud Automation and Orchestration
  • Policy-based Configuration Management

Scalability, Continuous Availability and High Performance.

Managed Hybrid Cloud

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